Terms and Conditions
Linda Gadbois Fine Art and Fine Art Prints
• All Sales made through this website are final. We do not have a return policy. If a product is damaged or different from what you ordered, we will negotiate a replacement or possible monetary refund, based on the circumstances and conditions of the order as it was received. We insure all shipments at purchase value, and any damage due to shipping will be handled by the shipping company.
• All shipping is through FedEx, unless it’s not available in your area. If not a special request for a preferred mailing service will need to be made at the time of your purchase.
• We value your privacy as much as you do. We will never share or sell your information with any third party or outside source. All personal information remains confidential and is only used to process your order, provide receipts and invoices, for shipping purposes, and to communicate with you.
• Our site is protected with SSL security so you can purchase online with confidence. All financial/banking transactions are handled by an extremely secure website that specializes in financial transactions, so you don’t have to worry about this site being compromised or hacked.
All art images on this website is the exclusive rights of the artist and creator, and may not be used for any reason whatsoever without the written permission of the artist and creator.
These terms and conditions govern your use of this website; by using this website, you accept these terms and conditions in full. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use this website.
You must be at least [18] years of age to use this website. By using this website [and by agreeing to these terms and conditions] you warrant and represent that you are at least [18] years of age.
Copyright on all Images used on this website
Linda Gadbois Fine Art and/or its licensors own all the intellectual property and copyrights to all content on this website and materials used on the website. Subject to the license below, all these intellectual property rights are reserved.
You may only view art images on this site for your own personal interest and use. You may not copy, share, or publish anything on this website on the public web. All art is the exclusive rights of the artist, and may not be used for profit or personal use by anyone else without written consent from Linda Gadbois.
You must not:
- republish material from this website (including republication on another website);
- You must not copy, print, publish, distribute, or use any of the fine art prints on the website, which are the exclusive rights of the artist and owner;
- sell, rent or sub-license material from this website;
- reproduce, duplicate, copy or otherwise exploit material on this website for a commercial purposes;
- edit or otherwise modify any material on the website; or
- redistribute material from this website except for content specifically and expressly made available for redistribution.